• Information for the provider e-TOLL

OBU and ZSL operators

The on-board unit (OBU) location device and the External Location System (Zewnętrzny System Lokalizacyjny – ZSL) transmitting geolocation data to e-TOLL are provided on a commercial basis by OBU and ZSL operators transmitting data to e-TOLL.

If you want to be granted consent of the Head of the National Revenue Administration (KAS) for the ICT infrastructure to be connected to e-TOLL, you must pass device integration tests and meet the relevant requirements.

In the Materials to download section below, you will find the necessary reports:

  • Technical requirements for transmitting geolocation data necessary for electronic toll collection for OBU and ZSL Operators.
  • Information on the manner of conducting integration tests for OBU and ZSL Operators.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: operatorzyOBUZSL@mf.gov.pl.

Materials to download

  • Report Template V011

    Format: pdf | Size: 92.84 KB

  • Instruction For Admittance V6

    Format: pdf | Size: 73.05 KB

  • Operator tests - new routes

    Format: zip | Size: 2.45 MB

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

We provide content posted on the website free of charge. The use of content published on the website etoll.gov.pl, regardless of the purpose and method of use, does not require the consent of the Ministry of Finance. Content marked on the website as copyrighted content, unless otherwise stated, is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland license.