• European Electronic Toll Collection Service (EETS)
  • Legal basis

European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)

What does EETS enable

Payment for driving on toll road sections in areas with electronic toll collection systems where EETS is available

  • under a single contract with the EETS provider,
  • using a single on-board unit provided by the EETS provider,
  • using a single user account in the EETS provider’s system.

EETS tolls = e-TOLLs

  • the amount of electronic toll in EETS is the same as the amount of electronic toll collected in e-TOLL by the Head of National Revenue Administration,
  • the consequences of failure to pay the electronic toll under EETS are the same as in the case of the toll in the e-TOLL system. 

Main EETS objectives

  • simplifying the payment of tolls in Europe,
  • increasing the safety of travel on toll roads by reducing the number of devices mounted in the vehicle.

EETS providers operating in the toll domain managed the Head of the National Revenue Administration

EETS is provided by Telepass S.p.A (starting October 17, 2022), and Toll4Europe GmbH (starting August 1, 2024).

EETS offered by a given EETS provider covers only those domains where it has passed the accreditation process. More information about EETS providers’ services can be found on their websites.

Do you want to use EETS

Follow the information available on the EETS provider’s website at:

•    Telepass S.p.A www.telepass.com/en/truck
•    Toll4Europe GmbH www.toll4europe.eu/en/

Legal basis

If you want to get familiar with legal acts regarding EETS, go to the Legal grounds tab.

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

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