• Registration for companies e-TOLL

Registration for companies

Before registering your company in e-TOLL prepare

  • company details: NIP (Tax Identification Number), name, address,
  • company registration documents,
  • vehicle details: registration number and the last 6 digits of the VIN number,
  • ID card,
  • power of attorney to represent the company (if the registering person is not the company’s owner, the system will request for the power of attorney to be attached online or delivered to the Customer Service Facility (MOK), depending on the registration method. The form is available in the Forms and document templates tab.
  • vehicle registration certificate confirming its weight class (if the vehicle data has not been downloaded from the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers (CEPiK)),
  • document confirming the exhaust emission class (if the vehicle data has not been downloaded from the CEPiK and the exhaust emission class is not included in the registration certificate),
  • select the financing method:

Registration in e-TOLL is possible

  • online (the fastest method) via the Online Customer Account – click Log in to the OCA in the upper right corner;
  • in person at a Customer Service Facility (MOK) – find the nearest MOK on the map of Customer Service Facilities;
  • via a fleet card provider – select your fleet card provider.

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

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