• Carrier, do not hesitate to register in e-TOLL

Carrier, do not hesitate to register in e-TOLL

July 22, 2021


  • Until September 30, there is a transitional period in which two systems operate - e-TOLL and viaTOLL.
  • In addition to the relief for the purchase of OBU / ZSL devices, the Ministry of Finance and the National Revenue Administration have prepared a package of further facilitations for carriers.
  • You are encouraged to change viaTOLL to e-TOLL and not leave it until the last moment.

Since June 24, 2021, in the e-TOLL system, it has been possible to pay tolls for heavy vehicles on toll national roads and for the tolls of heavy and light vehicles on toll sections of the Konin-Stryków (A2) and Wrocław-Sośnica (A4) highways. Since that day on, all e-TOLL services have been available to users.

E-TOLL users have a successively expanded network of Customer Service Points and a 24/7 helpline at their disposal.

viaTOLL only until September 30

We are not planning to extend the transition period. The existing system for heavy vehicles, viaTOLL, will be discontinued on September 30, 2021. It gives carriers time to prepare for operation in the new system and switch to e-TOLL at the most convenient time for them. However, I urge you not to do it at the last minute, just before the cut-off date. To encourage the transport industry to use e-TOLL, we are offering another package of facilitations in addition to the already operating relief for the OBU / ZLS device - informs the head of the National Tax Administration Magdalena Rzeczkowska.

The system is already used by approx. 65 thousand vehicles. 2 million - this is the number of kilometers that drivers have traveled when paying for the trip in e-TOLL.

Until September 30 this year. viaTOLL users will be serviced according to the current rules. During this period, you are encouraged to unregister in the viaTOLL system and return the OBU device. After September 30, the balance and deposit will be refunded only upon electronic request.

Registration with e-TOLL

Registration in e-TOLL has been possible from May 25 this year on etoll.gov.pl. You need to select the device through which geolocation data will be transferred to the new system. Each driver will be able to use the e-TOLL PL application or OBU and ZSL devices offered by external suppliers.

The mobile application can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. OBU and ZSL devices are currently distributed by suppliers approved for the system. Full list of suppliers:

  • OBU type devices
  • ZSL

Another facilitation for carriers

During the meeting of the Public Finance Committee and the first reading of the government's draft act amending the act on investment funds and alternative investment funds management and the act on trading in financial instruments (print no. 1358), amendments were introduced introducing further facilitations for carriers.

It is proposed that during the transitional period in the e-TOLL system the toll rates and electronic tolls should be reduced by 25%, as compared to the current ones.

The carriers' demand to reduce the effects of possible failures of the geolocation device was also implemented. Users will be able to pay for travels without uploading data to the system and continue without a GPS device. In exceptional cases, e.g., the transport of live goods, it will be possible to continue the travel without leaving the toll road, e.g., the nearest parking lot, and then pay for the travel within 3 days after it.

Relief for carriers is already in force

The regulations introducing a relief for the purchase of OBU / ZSL devices have been in force since June 29, 2021.

You can deduct from your income the costs of acquiring OBU / ZSL devices (purchase, leasing) and the costs of maintenance, e.g., subscription costs, incurred in 2021. The amount of the deduction will depend on the number of OBU / ZSL devices owned. The maximum amount of the relief is PLN 500 (net) for each taxpayer's vehicle who made a travel in 2021 and paid for it electronically.

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

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