• Forms and document templates e-TOLL

Forms and document templates


  • e-TOLL application form

    Użyj do: refund of funds, refund of collateral, filing a complaint about a note and other

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 348,68 KB

  • Power of attorney form

    Użyj do: authorization to perform activities related to e-TOLL account management

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 351,49 KB

  • Data change form

    Użyj do: change in the entity’s data in the e-TOLL system

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 295,1 KB

  • e-TOLL user deregistration form

    Użyj do: closure of the entity and refund of funds

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 636,34 KB

  • e-TOLL funds transfer form

    Użyj do: transfer of funds between billing accounts

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 628,68 KB

  • viaTOLL complaint form

    Użyj do: notifications related to the system viaTOLL

    Format: pdf | Rozmiar: 528,56 KB

Bank/insurance guarantee template

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

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