• Guarantee amount calculator for 2025

Guarantee amount calculator for 2025

Before establishing the amount of guarantee, familiarise yourself with the payment guarantee requirements. Verify the minimum amount of guarantee yourself using the calculator below. Include:

  1. number of vehicles,
  2. number of kilometres,

3. the toll rate for the relevant vehicle type (3.5t to 12t; over 12t or buses) and EURO class, applicable from 1 January 2025. 

Once the data has been completed in the calculator, the amount of the guarantee (sum of the guarantee) will be calculated automatically.


Enter the calculated amount (sum of the guarantee) when selecting the type of guarantee (cash, bank or insurance guarantee, third-party surety) for the deferred payment settlement account at Online Customer Account (OCA). In the case of a bank or insurance guarantee, it is necessary to attach the document in electronic form.

The amount of the minimum guarantee is calculated according to the following formula:

Z = S x R x 1.3

where the individual symbols stand for:
Z - amount of minimum guarantee per vehicle
S - the estimated number, not less than 2,000, of kilometres travelled on national roads or their sections for which electronic tolls are collected in 45 days per vehicle,
R - the rate of the electronic toll for a given vehicle per kilometre established in the regulations issued pursuant to Article 13ha section 6 of the Public Roads Act of 21 March 1985.

Guarantee templates are available under "Forms and document templates".

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