• Contact e-TOLL


Icons8 Compose

Write to us

Icons8 Call

Call us +48 22 24 337 77

  • Paid number for users calling from Poland and abroad.
  • You can talk to us in Polish, English, German and Russian.
  • Costs as per the telecommunication operator’s price list.
Icons8 Compose

Address for correspondence

Ministerstwo Finansów
ul. Świętokrzyska 12
00-916 Warszawa

Icons8 Search

Find a Customer Service Facility (MOK)

Visit your nearest Customer Service Facilities.

Icons8 Lecturer

For the media

Communication and Promotion Office in the Ministry of Finance
Address email: dziennikarze@mf.gov.pl 
(give name of journalist and media entity).

Icons8 Certificate

License for the e-TOLL logo

For entities interested in using the e-TOLL logo that provide services directly related to the system.
Address email: licencja.etoll@mf.gov.pl 

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

e-TOLL helpline

+48 22 24 337 77

Application form

We provide content posted on the website free of charge. The use of content published on the website etoll.gov.pl, regardless of the purpose and method of use, does not require the consent of the Ministry of Finance. Content marked on the website as copyrighted content, unless otherwise stated, is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland license.