• Collateral amount calculator e-TOLL

Collateral amount calculator 2024

As the electronic toll rates for heavy vehicles on toll roads will change from 1 January 2024, calculate the amount of your security today in the 2024 Collateral Amount Calculator below.

Before setting a collateral, please read the payment collateral requirements.

If you have both vehicles with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 3.5 tons and buses, calculate the collateral amount separately for each group of vehicles. When registering vehicles, present a document for the total collateral amount.

How to calculate the amount of the required collateral

  1. Break down the vehicles in your fleet into groups by:
    • maximum permissible weight (from 3.5 to 12 tons, over 12 tons, buses)
    • exhaust emission class (Euro 0-6).
  2. Enter the data relating to the first vehicle group in the calculator (the data must be consistent with that provided during registration). 
    • Make sure to correctly estimate the number of kilometers your vehicles cover within 45 days on the toll road network. The minimum distance for vehicles with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 3.5 tons and buses is 2,000 kilometers.
  3. Add subsequent vehicle groups using the “Add another” button.
  4. The collateral amount will be calculated automatically.


How to calculate the minimum collateral amount

The minimum collateral amount must be calculated according to the following formula:

Z = S x R x 1,3

Z – minimum collateral amount for one vehicle,
S – expected number of kilometers to be covered (minimum 2,000 kilometers) within 45 days per vehicle, on national roads or their sections where the electronic tolls is collected, 
R – electronic toll rate for a given vehicle per kilometer, set forth in the regulations issued pursuant to the Act.

Templates of collateral documents (guarantees/sureties) are available in the Forms and document templates tab.

Ministerstwo FinansówKrajowa Administracja Skarbowa

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